
Once upon a time, there were a web page very interesting titled Debian Package of the Day.

All of their articles were lost. I’m trying to recover as much as I can. They may be incomplete.

Please, if you have any of them or you were the author of it, tell me.

Thank you a lot.

Really the idea began before of that. Here you can see the first post at Debaday, titled “Hello, World”, by “lucas”:

Fonty Python

Please, if you have not done it, read the Debaday article. Thank you.

This article of debaday site, by “Donn Ingle”, were posted at on 22/02/2009.

Fonty Python is available from the fontypython package in both Debian and Ubuntu in Universe. Fonty is a wxPython app so will work in any desktop environment. It also has a command-line interface which avoids the gui.